Thursday, November 28, 2013


I have so much to be thankful for so before I get into all of that, I want to give special thanks to some of the people in Mike and My life:

First our daughter Elizabeth.  We are so proud of you and all that you are doing.  We are excited for the adventures you'll have and the stories you'll tell us.  We're looking forward to being in better contact with you now that you are at the second stage of your journey.  Go Navy!

Second, my brother Richard for all his help and support.  We love you and miss you.  Hopefully we'll be able to see you soon!

Thanks to my Mom for all her support and putting up with us all these years!

All my relatives out there, we're truly blessed to have you in our lives.  We've had a lot of laughs and God willing we will have years more.

Thank you to Kyle Riley for all the beautiful shots he's let us use over the last year.  We appreciate your creativity and hope we can partner for many years to come.  Thanks to Vision 12 and their staff.  We could not do our program without your support.  Thanks to all the friends old and new that have blessed our lives.  We would miss the special blessings you've brought to our lives.  Thanks to Kirt Martin for his energy and great food!

Mike and I are thankful that we are well on the road to good health now.  Although we have to realize we're not in our 20's anymore, we are getting back to being able to do what we can and focus on what we love.  We hope that we will be able to thrive and help our community thrive in the years to come.

We give special thanks to our public servants that have given so much of their time to our communities.  I also want to say a special thank you to our fire fighters, police, military, their families.  Those that laid foundations that we enjoy today - Brent Marshall, Roger Chase, David Swindell, Robert Chambers, Greg Lanning (gone to Montana but not forgotten), the Bannock County Commissioners, Kristi Clausen, Dave Packard, oh heck, everyone at the County, the Pocatello Animal Shelter, the Pocatello Zoo, the small businesses out there . . .

There are so many to be grateful for and not enough room!  Thank you all for blessing our community and our lives.  Bless you all throughout our networks on Google, Facebook, and Twitter!

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